The Future is Now

Many things have led me to this stage in my life. What stage you might ask? The stage where I feel that something needs to change. I’m too young for a mid life crisis so perhaps this is my quarter life crisis. For a number of years now I’ve worked as a software engineer. I’m good at my job and have managed to move through the ranks relatively quickly for my years. The only problem is, it doesn’t thrill or inspire me.

When I was finishing school and deciding what to do in college I was torn. I seriously considered going to art college. In the end though I decided to go with the more reliable option and studied computer science. I left my creativity behind me and didn’t draw, make or design anything for a few years. That changed when I joined a craft group a few years ago. I suddenly realised what I had been missing and what I needed in my life from now on.

So what’s the plan? I want to design and create. I have so many ideas and I want to get them out there. I want to design and create my own handmade wardrobe. This will be my creative haven where I write about my endeavors, progress and ideas.

Taken at Lucan Weir, Dublin, Ireland. It always inspires me when I see it

Taken at Lucan Weir, Dublin, Ireland. It always inspires me when I see it.

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